Razer has launched the Razer BlackWidow V4 Pro, the latest iteration of its famous gaming keyboard. The keyboard is equipped with various features, including the Razer Command Dial, which provides easy control over various functions. The keyboard also has dedicated macro keys, media controls, and Razer’s iconic Chroma RGB lighting, which can be customized according to personal preferences. The Razer BlackWidow V4 Pro offers unparalleled control and immersion while gaming, making it the perfect keyboard for serious gamers who want a personalized gaming experience.
The Command Dial is preset with 8 default modes, from window zooming to browser tab switching. Additionally, users can program the dial with up to 100 custom modes to map both clockwise and counter-clockwise action to their preferred action. For day-to-day use, users can program multiple application shortcuts, such as Photoshop brush size adjustment and timeline jogging. The keyboard also boasts 5 macro keys to the left of the main keyboard layout and 3 macro keys along its edge, providing a total of 8 conveniently positioned macro keys.
The Razer BlackWidow V4 Pro has per-key Razer Chroma RGB lighting and a multi-zone RGB underglow lighting, offering limitless customization options and in-game immersion. The keyboard comes with the latest generation of Razer’s mechanical switches, with the option of Green Clicky switches for tactile feedback or Yellow Linear switches for a smooth and silent action. Both variants of the switches have undergone further testing and are now rated for up to 100-million keystrokes.
The keyboard also features USB 2.0 passthrough, detachable Type C connections, a durable 5052 aluminum alloy top case, dual-angle kickstands, and up to 8000 Hz polling rate. Lastly, the keyboard includes 2 layers of sound dampening foam internally and factory-lubricated stabilizers for improved typing acoustics.
The Razer BlackWidow V4 Pro is designed for all-out immersion through Razer Chroma RGB, shining brightly through the transparent switch housing for a brighter, more vivid RGB effect. The equally bright 38-zone underglow lighting is extended onto the magnetically attached plush leatherette wrist rest, giving even more RGB immersion to the user.
The BlackWidow V4 Pro is available for purchase starting today for $229.99 USD through Razer’s website. With its abundance of macro keys, the new Razer Command Dial, and full coverage RGB lighting, the Razer BlackWidow V4 Pro is the ultimate immersive battlestation keyboard.